Macklin Consulting has designed and implemented various database systems for its clients. These clients are making decisions based on hard facts and not just tribal knowledge or perceptions.
Like many of our clients, your organization may be preparing for its own LEAN Six Sigma or 8D Problem Solving initiatives. You’ll need data that you can rely on to compose a specific Charter or Problem Statement. The data you use to determine your current sigma has got to be accurate.
Using our programs that were specifically designed for your operations, with your own process terminology and not some off the shelf Enterprise system’s nomenclature, you will be armed for your kaizen events.
At Macklin Consulting, we provide training seminars on the Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving. We teach your team of process experts to follow the disciplined methodology of defining the problem, seeking out an intermittent solution for the customer, ferreting out the root cause and selecting the best long term corrective action.
We stress the importance of following through on the chosen plan of implementation and sustaining the new processes via systemic controls that avoid things from reverting back to how they were before the new process was put in place.
Utilizing the 8D Problem Solving methodology fosters a spirit of continuous improvement amongst your employees as they are celebrated for making changes that provide better customer service and support.
Please watch the video at the top of this page to find out more about Macklin Consulting’s 8D Problem Solving training seminars. Keep in mind that we customize our seminar with examples from your organization’s processes and challenges. This allows your employees to embrace and apply this methodology as soon as the training seminar ends.
Decisions made on Data not Perceptions
Long Term Corrective Actions Leading to New Processes
Root Cause Analysis Using the Deadly Wastes - Ishikawa